Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cover letter Response

After watching the tutorial my initial reaction is, "Haha, they just told me to fool one of my own references!" It gave me some great insight though. I did not know half the stuff that the website taught me. I liked the points that it made about "The Reality of Coverletters." The section about the reality of coverletters tells the reader that coverletters are important but they are not looked at until the employer is actually interested in the employee. Once the employer becomes interested in the employee, the employer returns to the coverletter to get additional information about the prospect. I also learned that bigger companies are more prone to hire people from career fairs and college-type job fairs as opposed to "freelance" job seekers. The P.S. technique is also one that I have never really thought about but it makes sense that it would be a good technique. It shows the person reading that the person seeking employment is thinking about the job and trying to impress instead of just sending resumes to all kinds of companies and just hoping that something would come of it. The most useful part of the tutorial for me was the part that talked about selling the benefits and not the product. After reading many things about persuasion, I see that selling the benefits is more effective at persuading than just selling the product; it gives more logos as to why it would be good to hire the person.

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